
Bad member name specified.

HIV and the immune system
Disease progression
Monitoring immune health
Symptom observation
Lab studies and blood analysis
CD4 + Testing
Viral Load Testing
Summary: Testing
Intervention against HIV
General health maintenance
Supportive therapies
Antiviral Strategy
Immune modulating strategy
Opportunistic infection strategy
When to start treatment
Available treatments
The Bottom Line

Symptom observation

This approach waits for active infections and disease to occur. In HIV, this means watching out for such things as thrush, pneumocystis, KS lesions and so on.

It is easier to believe and take action when we are faced with an obvious illness. People who feel sick usually want to treat the illness as soon as possible.

HIV may progress before symptoms appear. By the time symptoms appear, options for treating the problem may be less effective because the body is left with only limited defenses.

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